It’s that time of year again and what a year it’s been.
Last October we were fortunate to purchase 75% of the best Hamilton Run Dohne stud ewes and four specially selected hogget rams at their dispersal sale. After the sale we secured two stud sires, a good supply of semen from proven sires and the Hamilton Run Dohne stud name and logo.
The highlight of the deal was our purchase of HR160121, the 2018 Australian Sheep and Wool Show Grand Champion Dohne ram for $35,000, a new world record for a Dohne ram. We believe our investment in this exceptional sire will keep the Hamilton Run stud at the top well into the future; we have 170 HR lambs on the ground at present.
We will be running the Koonik and Hamilton Run Dohne Studs separately and are thrilled to announce the engagement of Stud Classer Ian Bradtke, to help maintain the continuity and integrity of the Hamilton Run Dohne Stud. And so provide stud and commercial breeders with pure HR Dohne genetics for many years to come. Ian will complement the superb Koonik team of Bill Mildren and Gary Simpson.
Our Dohne ewe numbers and quality are building quickly, so in August this year, along with our friends at JAG Dohnes, we held a Dohne sale at Mount Pleasant, SA. Together we put up fifty-eight rams and sold forty-one for an average of $1465. We also sold fifty-two stud ewe hoggets which averaged $255.
The Australian Sheep and Wool Show

Ram UC174383
Bill Mildren (Stud Advisor), Darren & Fiona Cameron (Koonik Dohne Stud), Margie & Sandy Pye (Calga, Uardry & DD Dohne Studs) and Jason Southwell (Stud Advisor)
At the Australian Sheep and Wool Show this year we privately purchased a Uardry ram for $15,000.
UD174383 is a well-balanced early maturing sire with great muscling and structure. He is a true dual-purpose sheep, with a big lock, soft wool on a great carcase that will have a massive impact on the Uardry side of our Koonik Stud.
We are very enthusiastic about the future of the Dohne breed, in the current economic climate it is great to have your finger in more than one pie and the Dohne is a winner every time. We have many clients with ewes grossing over two hundred and fifty dollars a head.
It’s a great time to be in sheep!
We really love our wool and have been investing in Moorundie stud ewes for the Mitre Rock Poll Merino stud for three years. Our Borambil Sire is by PB 54 (from the most successful family at Poll Boonoke) and out of a Moorundie ewe. This has led to a marked improvement in both the structure and wool quality of our Poll Merino flock. Our sale rams are looking fabulous and will be mid-side sampled prior to the auction to get a more recent measurements for clients.
2019 Sale Information
We hope you can join us to inspect the quality line up of rams at our 9th annual sale at Koonik on:
Friday October 4th, 2019
70 Koonik Dohne rams
12 Mitre Rock Poll Merino rams
Inspections from 10am, Auction 1pm
We would love to chat with you about the future direction of our studs and how we can assist with your sheep enterprise. Please find enclosed a copy of our catalogue for your perusal.